| 0.38 KB, C++ | SHARE. '[31] droptool -- Drops any tool you have equipped'. "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."savepos") then, saved = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame. a guest . 34 min ago loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NougatBitz/DuckHub/master/Main.lua'))(), 100% a mod made this since got banned as soon as i executed, C++ | 127,041 . Will kill the player, use rkill to kill you and player', ' [2] bring [plr] -- You need a tool! arsenal script. Login Sign up. '[118] removefog -- Removes fog, client sided'. Never . .. v:GetFullName() .. " | BindableFunction"), print(" game." | 0.45 KB, C++ | Teleports you and the player up into the air,\n[10] trail [plr] -- The opposite of follow, you stay infront of player,\n[11] untrail,\n[12] orbit [plr] -- Makes you orbit the player,\n[13] unorbit,\n[14] fling [plr] -- Makes you fling the player,\n[15] unfling,\n[16] fecheck -- Checks if the game is FE or not,\n[17] void [plr] -- Teleports player to the void,\n[18] noclip -- Gives you noclip to walk through walls,\n[19] clip -- Removes noclip,\n[20] speed [num]/ws [num] -- Changes how fast you walk 16 is default,\n[21] jumppower [num]/jp [num] -- Changes how high you jump 50 is default,\n[22] hipheight [num]/hh [num] -- Changes how high you float 0 is default,\n[23] default -- Changes your speed, jumppower and hipheight to default values,\n[24] annoy [plr] -- Loop teleports you to the player,\n[25] unannoy,\n[26] headwalk [plr] -- Loop teleports you to the player head,\n[27] unheadwalk,\n[28] nolimbs -- Removes your arms and legs,\n[29] god -- Gives you FE Godmode,\n[30] drophats -- Drops your accessories,\n[31] droptool -- Drops any tool you have equipped,\n[32] loopdhats -- Loop drops your accessories,\n[33] unloopdhats,\n[34] loopdtool -- Loop drops any tools you have equipped,\n[35] unloopdtool,\n[36] invisible -- Gives you invisibility CREDIT TO TIMELESS,\n[37] view [plr] -- Changes your camera to the player character,\n[38] unview,\n[39] goto [plr] -- Teleports you to player,\n[40] fly -- Allows you to fly,\n[41] unfly,\n[42] chat [msg] -- Makes you chat a message,\n[43] spam [msg] -- Spams a message,\n[44] unspam,\n[45] spamwait [num] -- Changes delay of chatting a message for the spam command in seconds default is 1 second,\n[46] pmspam [plr] -- Spams a player in private message,\n[47] unpmspam,\n[48] cfreeze [plr] -- Freezes a player on your client, they will only be frozen for you,\n[49] uncfreeze [plr],\n[50] unlockws -- Unlocks the workspace,\n[51] lockws -- Locks the workspace,\n[52] btools -- Gives you btools that will only show to you useful for deleting certain blocks only for you,\n[53] pstand -- Enables platform stand,\n[54] unpstand -- Disables platform stand,\n[55] blockhead -- Removes your head mesh,\n[56] sit,\n[57] bringobj [obj] -- Only shows on client, brings an object/part to you constantly, can be used to bring healing parts, weapons, money etc, type in exact name,\n[58] wsvis [num] -- Changes visibility of workspace parts, num should be between 0 and 1, only shows client sided,\n[59] hypertotal -- Loads in my FE GUI Hypertotal,\n[60] cmds -- Prints all commands,\n[61] rmeshhats/blockhats -- Removes the meshes of all your accessories aka block hats,\n[62] rmeshtool/blocktool -- Removes the mesh of the tool you have equipped aka block tool,\n[63] spinner -- Makes you spin,\n[64] nospinner,\n[65] reach [num] -- Gives you reach, mostly used for swords, say ;reachd for default and enter number after for custom,\n[66] noreach -- Removes reach, must have tool equipped,\n[67] rkill [plr] -- Kills you and the player, use kill to just kill the player without dying,\n[68] tp me [plr] -- Alternative to goto,\n[69] cbring [plr] -- Brings player infront of you, shows only on client, allows you to do damage to player,\n[70] uncbring,\n[71] swap [plr] -- You need a tool! '[120] enable -- Enables your character by adding humanoid'. '[16] fecheck -- Checks if the game is FE or not'. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. '[18] noclip -- Gives you noclip to walk through walls'. '[78] anim [id] -- Applies an animation on you, must be created by ROBLOX'. '[14] fling [plr] -- Makes you fling the player'. Aug 26th, 2021. '[85] bringmod [obj] -- Brings all the parts in a model, client only, comes from ;bringobj enter exact name of model'. '[113] id [plr] -- Makes you chat the account ID of the player'. .. v:GetFullName() .. " | BindableEvent", 13, 193, 22, true), warn(" game." '[91] opfinality -- Loads in my FE GUI Opfinality'. Attaches you to player'. Insane!! "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."bring ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 8)))do, char1.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = char2.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, tp(game:GetService("Players")[v.Name], lplayer), getout(lplayer, game:GetService("Players")[v.Name]), if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."spin ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 7))) do, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character["Left Arm"].CFrame, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."unspin") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."attach ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 9))) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."unattach ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 11))) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."follow ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."unfollow") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."freefall ") then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,50000,0), if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."trail ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 8))) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."untrail") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."orbit ") then, if string.sub(msg, 8) == "all" or string.sub(msg, 8) == "others" or string.sub(msg, 8) == "me" then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, local o = Instance.new("RocketPropulsion"), o.Parent = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, o.Target = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character.HumanoidRootPart, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."unorbit") then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Orbit:Destroy(), if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."fling ") then, local y = Instance.new("RocketPropulsion"), y.Parent = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character.Head, y.Target = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character.HumanoidRootPart, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."unfling") then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Fling:Destroy(), game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = lplayer.Character.Head, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."fecheck") then, if game:GetService("Workspace").FilteringEnabled == true then, warn("FE is Enabled (Filtering Enabled)"). "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."flyspeed ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."carpet ") then, Anim3.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://282574440", local track3 = lplayer.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim3), if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."uncarpet") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."stare ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."unstare") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."logchat") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."unlogchat") then. | 0.24 KB, C++ | .. bndfnctn:GetFullName() .. " | BindableFunction"), print(" game." SCRIPT BEST Big Paintball Script Hack *PASTEBIN* GUI: Unlock EVERYTHING, Kill All, Silent Aimbot & More! '[10] trail [plr] -- The opposite of follow, you stay infront of player'. '[92] remotes -- Prints all remotes in the game in the console when added'. Text = "Press E to teleport to mouse position, ;noclicktp to stop"; if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."clickdel") then. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. '[68] tp me [plr] -- Alternative to goto'. May 7th, 2021. '[65] reach [num] -- Gives you reach, mostly used for swords, say ;reachd for default and enter number after for custom'. Make sure it's one key! 41 min ago ARSENAL ANY SKIN SCRIPT! SCRIPT | REALZZHUB SCRIPT | unfair Hub 12. '[88] delobj [obj] -- Deletes a certain brick in workspace, client sided'. '[20] speed [num]/ws [num] -- Changes how fast you walk 16 is default'. .. v:GetFullName() .. " | RemoteFunction", 5, 102, 198, true), print(" game." | 0.70 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. Use ;resetprefix to reset to ;"; if string.sub(msg, 1, 12) == (";resetprefix") then. '[1] kill [plr] -- You need a tool! 49 min ago | 0.49 KB, GetText | This game is quite enjoyable. '[39] goto [plr] -- Teleports you to player'. Pastebin . 34 min ago 5 min ago 25 min ago | 1.85 KB, C++ | Text = "Press E to delete part at mouse, ;noclickdel to stop"; if string.sub(msg, 1, 11) == (prefix.."noclickdel") then. '[59] hypertotal -- Loads in my FE GUI Hypertotal'. .. rmtfnctn:GetFullName() .. " | RemoteFunction"), print(" game." '[80] savepos -- Saves your current position'. 32 min ago Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features! Text = "Use ;loadpos to return to saved position. .. rmt:GetFullName() .. " | RemoteEvent", 247, 0, 0, true), game.DescendantAdded:connect(function(rmtfnctn), warn(" game." '[119] disable -- Disables your character by removing humanoid'. '[22] hipheight [num]/hh [num] -- Changes how high you float 0 is default'. Script VideoGun ChangerAimbotKillAllGodEspTriggerBot "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."fixcam") then, game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera:Destroy(), game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera.CameraType = "Custom", if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."unstate") then, for i, player in ipairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do, if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then, player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame + lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 2, player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame + lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 3, game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(spamtext, "All"), game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("/w "..pmspammed.." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@", "All"), CMDBAR.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("kill ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 6) == "me" then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 6)))do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("bring ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7)))do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("spin ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 6))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("unspin") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("attach ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 8))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("unattach ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 10))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("follow ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("unfollow") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("freefall ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("trail ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("untrail") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("orbit ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7) == "all" or string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7) == "others" or string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7) == "me" then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("unorbit") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("fling ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("unfling") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("fecheck") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("void ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("noclip") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 4) == ("clip") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("speed ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("ws ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 4)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 10) == ("hipheight ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 11)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("hh ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 4)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 10) == ("jumppower ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 11)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("jp ") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 4)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("default") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("annoy ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("unannoy") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("headwalk ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 10) == ("unheadwalk") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("nolimbs") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("god") then. '[82] bang [plr] -- 18+ will not work if you have FE Godmode on'. Will kill the player, use rkill to kill you and player'. '[73] glitch [plr] -- Glitches you and the player, looks very cool'. .. bnd:GetFullName() .. " | BindableEvent"), print(" game." '[86] shutdown -- Uses harkinians script to shutdown server'. 44 min ago Text = "You need a tool in your backpack for this command! '[124] carpet [plr] -- Makes you a carpet for a player, will not work if FE Godmode is on'. Text = "Applied to equipped sword. '[42] chat [msg] -- Makes you chat a message'. | 0.38 KB, C++ | '[52] btools -- Gives you btools that will only show to you useful for deleting certain blocks only for you'. 34 min ago W: Move forward A: Move left S: Move backward D: Move right Y: Opens Chat U: Opens Team chat Mouse left button: Fire Mouse Wheel: Change weapon Tab: Shows leaderboard Not a member of Pastebin yet? Text = "Workspace unlocked. '[7] follow [plr] -- Makes you follow behind the player'. '[114] .age [plr] -- Privately shows you the account age of the player'. '[84] delcmdbar -- Removes the command bar completely'. '[115] .id [plr] -- Privately shows you the account ID of the player'. '[71] swap [plr] -- You need a tool! Text = "Energize Animations GUI has loaded. | 0.24 KB, C++ | '[34] loopdtool -- Loop drops any tools you have equipped'. arsenal unlock all script . '[123] flyspeed [num] -- Change your fly speed, default is 1'. '[54] unpstand -- Disables platform stand'. '[79] animgui -- Loads up Energize animations GUI'. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. '[94] tpdefault -- Stops all loop teleports to a player'. Arsenal Press E to kill all This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. [ New Updated ROBLOX Arsenal Script Hack GUI Silent Aimbot Script Pastebin 2023 ] [ How To Use Scripts ] -HOW TO EXECUTE SCRIPTS: htt. 16,692 . '[81] loadpos -- Teleports you to your saved position'. '[102] state [num] -- Changes your humanoid state, ;unstate to stop.'. Say exactly ";resetprefix" to do this command, no matter what your prefix is set to.'. '[121] prefix [key] -- Changes the prefix used, default is ;'. Arsenal GUI Script iExotixPloitz Dec 30th, 2020 12,235 0 Never 3 Not a member of Pastebin yet? Commands = {. 2 25 min ago Text = "Click delete has been disabled. '[67] rkill [plr] -- Kills you and the player, use kill to just kill the player without dying'. '[36] invisible -- Gives you invisibility CREDIT TO TIMELESS'. SHARE. '[108] unlooprhats -- Stops loop removing mesh'. Use ;lockws to lock. text 0.11 KB | None | 0 0 raw download clone embed print report loadstring (game:HttpGet ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NougatBitz/DuckHub/master/Main.lua')) () Advertisement | 0.38 KB, C++ | 34. | 0.24 KB, C++ | paste . '[21] jumppower [num]/jp [num] -- Changes how high you jump 50 is default'. '[110] unlooprtool -- Stops loop removing mesh'. Advertisement. Text = "Players have been printed to console. paste . '[6] unattach [plr] -- Attempts to unattach you from a player'. ", "All"), if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == (prefix.."id ") then, for i,player in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 5))) do, game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(player.Name.." Account ID: "..player.UserId, "All"), if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix..".age ") then, for i,player in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 7))) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == (prefix..".id ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."gameid") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == (prefix.."pgs") then, local pgscheck = game:GetService("Workspace"):PGSIsEnabled(), if string.sub(msg, 1, 12) == (prefix.."removeinvis") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."removefog") then, game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd = 9999999999999, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."disable") then, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.Parent = lplayer, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."enable") then, lplayer.Humanoid.Parent = lplayer.Character, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."prefix ") then. '[61] rmeshhats/blockhats -- Removes the meshes of all your accessories aka block hats'. '[62] rmeshtool/blocktool -- Removes the mesh of the tool you have equipped aka block tool'. '[32] loopdhats -- Loop drops your accessories'. .. v:GetFullName() .. " | BindableEvent"), print(" game." Will kill the player, use rkill to kill you and player,\n[2] bring [plr] -- You need a tool! By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. '[5] attach [plr] -- You need a tool! '[117] removeinvis -- Removes all invisible walls/parts, client sided'. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. ' [-] cmdbar is shown when ; is pressed.', ' [1] kill [plr] -- You need a tool! | 0.44 KB, C++ | 9 min ago UNLOCK ALL *WORKING* (Patched Now) - YouTube 0:00 / 2:52 ARSENAL ANY SKIN SCRIPT! Consider using a different admin script. 25 min ago Also if anyone has a good script for esp, aimbot and wallbang (the one that allows you to shoot throu walls). Swaps players position with yours and your position with players,\n[72] givetool [plr] -- Gives the tool you have equipped to the player,\n[73] glitch [plr] -- Glitches you and the player, looks very cool,\n[74] unglitch -- Unglitches you,\n[75] grespawn -- Alternative to normal respawn and usually works best for when you want to reset with FE Godmode,\n[76] explorer -- Loads up DEX,\n[77] reset -- Resets your character.,\n[78] anim [id] -- Applies an animation on you, must be created by ROBLOX,\n[79] animgui -- Loads up Energize animations GUI,\n[80] savepos -- Saves your current position,\n[81] loadpos -- Teleports you to your saved position,\n[82] bang [plr] -- 18+,\n[83] unbang,\n[84] delcmdbar -- Removes the command bar completely,\n[85] bringmod [obj] -- Brings all the parts in a model, client only, comes from ;bringobj enter exact name of model,\n[86] shutdown -- Uses harkinians script to shutdown server,\n[87] respawn -- If grespawn doesnt work you can use respawn,\n[88] delobj [obj] -- Deletes a certain brick in workspace, client sided,\n[89] getplrs -- Prints all players in game,\n[90] deldecal -- Deletes all decals client sided,\n[91] opfinality -- Loads in my FE GUI Opfinality,\n[92] remotes -- Prints all remotes in the game in the console when added,\n[93] noremotes -- Stops printing remotes,\n[94] tpdefault -- Stops all loop teleports to a player,\n[95] stopsit -- Will not allow you to sit,\n[96] gosit -- Allows you to sit,\n[97] clicktp -- Enables click tp,\n[98] noclicktp -- Disables click tp,\n[99] toolson -- If any tools are dropped in the workspace you will automatically get them,\n[100] toolsoff -- Stops ;toolson,\n[101] version -- Gets the admin version, \n This list of commands is NOT showing everything, go to my thread in the pastebin link to see ALL commands. '[30] drophats -- Drops your accessories'. '[17] void [plr] -- Teleports player to the void'. '[58] wsvis [num] -- Changes visibility of workspace parts, num should be between 0 and 1, only shows client sided'. .. bndfnctn:GetFullName() .. " | BindableFunction", 239, 247, 4, true), game.DescendantAdded:connect(function(bnd), warn(" game." Unlock All Skins With Aimbot And Esp a guest Nov 27th, 2019 10,426 0 Never Add comment Not a member of Pastebin yet? "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."rkill ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."tp me ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."cbring ") then, if (string.sub(msg, 9)) == "all" or (string.sub(msg, 9)) == "All" or (string.sub(msg, 9)) == "ALL" then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."uncbring") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."swap ") then, local NOWPLR = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, tp(lplayer, game:GetService("Players")[v.Name]), lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = NOWPLR, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."glitch ") then, b.Parent = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."unglitch") then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Glitch:Destroy(), lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(10000,0,10000), lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.unGlitch:Destroy(), if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."grespawn") then, lplayer.Character.Head.CFrame = CFrame.new(1000000,0,1000000), lplayer.Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(1000000,0,1000000), if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."explorer") then, loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://492005721")[1].Source)(), if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."anim ") then, Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://"..(string.sub(msg, 7)), local track = lplayer.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim), if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."animgui") then, loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://1202558084")[1].Source)(). Attaches you to player,\n[6] unattach [plr] -- Attempts to unattach you from a player,\n[7] follow [plr] -- Makes you follow behind the player,\n[8] unfollow,\n[9] freefall [plr] -- You need a tool! local Arsenal = Instance.new("ScreenGui"), local NoclipButton = Instance.new("TextButton"), local CloseBtn = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Arsenal_2 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Ftonoclip = Instance.new("TextBox"), Arsenal.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling, Main.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(30, 28, 26), Main.Position = UDim2.new(0.180592403, 0, 0.197262242, 0), NoclipButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), NoclipButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.600, NoclipButton.Position = UDim2.new(0.0519568585, 0, 0.465293854, 0), NoclipButton.Size = UDim2.new(0, 284, 0, 119), NoclipButton.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight, NoclipButton.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), NoclipButton.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), CloseBtn.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), CloseBtn.Position = UDim2.new(0.887420058, 0, 0, 0), CloseBtn.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(58, 58, 58), Arsenal_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), Arsenal_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.0538176522, 0, 0.167506993, 0), Arsenal_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 283, 0, 124), Arsenal_2.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight, Arsenal_2.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), TITLE.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), TITLE.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Ftonoclip.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Ftonoclip.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.216716275, 0), Ftonoclip.Size = UDim2.new(0, 299, 0, 424), Ftonoclip.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansItalic, Ftonoclip.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 246, 240), Admin.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), Admin.Position = UDim2.new(0.0519568585, 0, 0.749718249, 0), Admin.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Admin.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Open.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(26, 26, 26), Open.Position = UDim2.new(0.00308641978, 0, 0.799053073, 0), Open.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), local function LCYC_fake_script() -- NoclipButton.LocalScript, local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', NoclipButton), game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11), local function AKKXRV_fake_script() -- Arsenal_2.LocalScript, local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Arsenal_2), local TeamBased = true ; local teambasedswitch = "o", local presskeytoaim = true; local aimkey = "e", local lockaim = true; local lockangle = 5, -- for i, smth in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do, -- if string.find(string.lower(tostring(smth)), string.lower(what)) then, local EspStatus = Instance.new("TextLabel"), Gui.Parent = plrs.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"), Move.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.0431373, 1, 0.0745098), Move.BackgroundTransparency = 0.40000000596046, Move.Position = UDim2.new(0.005, 0,0.018, 0), Move.Size = UDim2.new(0.28141585, 0, 0.0320388414, 0), Main.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.176471, 0.176471, 0.176471), Main.BackgroundTransparency = 0.69999998807907, Main.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.995670795, 0), Main.Size = UDim2.new(1.0000006, 0, 9.79697132, 0), EspStatus.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), EspStatus.Size = UDim2.new(0.272955924, 0, 0.161862016, 0), EspStatus.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.0431373, 1, 0.0745098), st1.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), st1.Position = UDim2.new(0.271787882, 0, 0, 0), st1.Size = UDim2.new(0.728211343, 0, 0.161862016, 0), st1.Text = "Press "..aimkey.." to lock on a person inside ur view", st1.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.0431373, 1, 0.0745098), st1_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), st1_2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.375590861, 0), st1_2.Size = UDim2.new(0.999999881, 0, 0.161862016, 0), st1_2.Text = "Press L to enable esp loop", st1_2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.0431373, 1, 0.0745098), st1_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), st1_3.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.18558608, 0), st1_3.Size = UDim2.new(0.999999881, 0, 0.161862016, 0), st1_3.Text = "Press O to change team based mode", st1_3.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0.0431373, 1, 0.0745098), teambasedstatus.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0,0.694, 0), teambasedstatus.Text = tostring(TeamBased), Name.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Name.Size = UDim2.new(0.838, 0, 0.980000019, 0), Name.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, local lplr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer, espforlder.Parent = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera, for i, v in pairs(espforlder:GetChildren()) do, for _, plr in pairs(plrs:GetChildren()) do, if plr.Character and plr.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 and plr.Name ~= lplr.Name then, if plr.Team.Name ~= plrs.LocalPlayer.Team.Name then, local e = espforlder:FindFirstChild(plr.Name), local bill = Instance.new("BillboardGui", espforlder), Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0/255,255/255,0/255), plr.Character.Humanoid.Died:Connect(function(), for i, plr in pairs(plrs:GetChildren()) do, if plr.Name ~= lplr.Name and plr.Character and plr.Character.Head and plr.Character.Humanoid and plr.Character.Humanoid.Health > 1 then, if aimatpart.Parent == plr.Character or aimatpart == nil then, --return Vector3.new(d(x1-x2), d(y1-y2), d(z1-z2)), return Vector3.new((x1-x2), (y1-y2), (z1-z2)), if plr.Character and plr.Character.Humanoid and plr.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 and plr.Name ~= lplr.Name and plr.Character.Head then, local cf = CFrame.new(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p, plr.Character.Head.CFrame.p), local r = Ray.new(cf, cf.LookVector * 10000), for i, v in pairs(plrs.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do, local obj = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(r, ign), if obj.Parent == plr.Character and obj.Parent ~= lplr.Character then, cam.CFrame = CFrame.new(cam.CFrame.p, part.CFrame.p), local fov = getfovxyz(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame, part.CFrame), local angle = math.abs(fov.X) + math.abs(fov.Y), game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function(), if aimatpart.Parent == plrs.LocalPlayer.Character then, -- for i, plr in pairs(plrs:GetChildren()) do, -- if plr.Name ~= lplr.Name and plr.Character and plr.Character.Head and plr.Character.Humanoid and plr.Character.Humanoid.Health > 1 then, -- if plr.Team.Name ~= lplr.Team.Name or plr.Team.TeamColor ~= lplr.Team.TeamColor then, -- local an = checkfov(plr.Character.Head), -- local an = checkfov(plr.Character.Head), if raycast == true and switch == false and not aimatpart then, if an < maxangle and v ~= lplr.Character.Head then, v.Parent.Humanoid.Died:connect(function(), local function FGUIUFX_fake_script() -- Admin.LocalScript, local script = Instance.new('LocalScript', Admin), -- Credits to infinite yield, harkinian, dex creators.

Case Management Checklist Template, Chris Pappas Contact, Frank Lanoue Peter Benedict, Hello Molly Returns, Chattanooga Police Department Email, Articles A

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